Philps Famous Pasties - Traditional Cornish Pasty


1 Commercial Road
TR13 9JT

Opening times:
Mon-Sat 8:30
Sunday - 10am - 4pm (subject to seasonal change)

Tel: 01326 562324

Philps Pasties Porthleven

Philps pasty shop in Porthleven takes our customers right down to the coastal edge of Cornwall, affording you spectacular views as you munch on our freshly baked, straight from the oven pasties.


Best of Porthleven Pasties

Down here in Cornwall, competition for pasties is fierce so our pasties in Porthleven have to be the best of the best so that you can enjoy the pasty treat you deserve. 

To reach our goal of giving you the best Porthleven pasties possible, we take great care to ensure that all our pasties are freshly baked in the morning, making sure each of our customers has a warm lunch to enjoy when they find their way to our shop.

Philps pasties Porthleven is part of a wider community, a family-owned business that puts family first. This community spirit is baked into each of our pasties and everything we cook is made with love and care. If you have one of our pasties, you are a part of the family.

Other Food at Our Porthleven Pasty Shop

To give you the best experience possible at our Porthleven pasty shop and leave you hungry for more, we cook more than just pasties.

Our pasty shop in Porthleven also serves a wide range of sweets, confectionery, rolls, baps and salads. Whatever you’re craving, we have a way of providing it for you. You will always leave our shop happy, ready to go out and seize the rest of the day with your stomachs full of our signature comforting food.

Why not stop round our Porthleven pasty shop as you explore the town and grab a spot of lunch on the way to the beach. You never know what tasty treats you might find and we have something to suit your every mood.

Order your Cornish pasties today


Food provenance is a top priority

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Our Pasty Shops

Our family-run Cornish bakeries bring joy to lovers of genuine Cornish food by baking premium quality Philps pasties and Cornish pastries.

Find your nearest pasty shop


In the 70s, the youngsters of the family helped peel the vegetables and prepare pasties before going to school, and this is now an ongoing family tradition, as we employ staff members from local families of all ages...

Meet our fab team

Cornish pasties, the hearty star of buffet food

Supplement your event catering or party food with a platter of delicious Cornish pasties, a key ingredient for the important celebrations in your life.

Enquire now

Prizing quality over quantity

We’re not a mass market producer, which means the production processes and quality of our pasties and wholesome bakery goods is never compromised. Ever.

Artisan Bakers